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My Calligraphy Learning Process 

During my second semester of Sophmore year, we were told to choose a topic/skill we would like to learn on our own and make it a project. This project will have to be related to our school's mission "To empower students to pursue their passion for learning. My project was based on learning calligraphy. I have never learned how to write in cursive or even read the cursive letter. Yet, I always thought it was really nice, elegant and clean. My final product for this project was doing ten different designs of stickers using calligraphy with positive messages. In the end, I would give it to my audience (people I appreciate for example friends and teachers) as random acts of kindness.

My Research 

Before starting with my project I did some research to have a background in before I start even practicing. I research the best type of paper for calligraphy (smooth bleed proof papers that don't absorb the ink making it cleaner). What type of markers and tips are the best for practicing calligraphy (brands). For the designs made digitally, how to manipulate the iPad pro, which app is the best, and some tips for iPad calligraphy. And for my last part of the project, I research the benefit of random acts of kindness. 

My Process & Product (Reflection) 

During this process of learning calligraphy, I went through challenges, feedback, stress, and several cursive writing lessons. If you would like to know the process behind all my project click in the Box next to the bird underneath.

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